Sunday, April 27, 2008

Something Amazing Happened Today...

Most people know the saying, confession is good for the soul so here goes...
As most of you know, my relationship with God has been an on again off again thing. Kinda like Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson. lol I grew up in a christian home I even went to a private christian high school. I believed in God, accepted Jesus as my savior and was on my way to doing great things for His kingdom.
Then I went to college. I am not saying college is a bad thing, quite the opposite it is a wonderful thing. I just don't think I was mature enough to handle it. See I have always been one of those people who followed the crowd. I admit it and own it. I was never a leader growing up, I left that to my big sister, who is an amazingly strong person, and whom I have learned from, more than she knows. Anyway, back to the point. I veered off of God's path for me BIG time in college. Picture your stereotypical college party girl, and that was me. Because of my bad choices I have had some tough emotional issues to work through. Trust being a huge one. Trusting others, but mostly trusting myself to make the right decisions for my life.
I continued on this self distructing path for a long while. Until one day I was leaving my gym in Broken Arrow, and saw a banner outside of a place called Destiny Church. It had a picture of the last supper. All I could see was Jesus with outstretched arms and the banner read "Carried to the Table" Something broke inside me that day. I was tired. I knew there was no way I could present myself to God in the state I was in, but then it hit me. I wasn't meant to make my own way. Jesus made a way, He carried me to the table when He laid down His life to save me. So I took what would be the best "risk" of my life and I went to church. I knew I would never be the same!
So I started my journey, back to the path God had laid out for me in the beginning, and He was there waiting for me. In the form the amazing people I have met at Destiny Church. I have always been a music lover. From choir in high school and college, to countless nights of karaoke!! So I knew that was one thing that I had to connect with at a place I would call my home church. I couldn't ask for more from the praise and worship team at Destiny. They are amazing. Pastor Tony is so talented and the team around him make going to church every week a worship experience that can't be beat! Pastor Mike knows what it is to get on your level. He doesn't preach at you. He teaches and guides.
The first Sunday Cory and I went to church, they had what's called Echo that night. It's the 18-30 yr olds who get together the 1st Sunday of every month and just hang out. Maybe someone speaks about what's been on their heart. We met some of the most awesome people on the planet! Pastor Arnie and his wife Sheree, Iman and Karen Serna, Nick and Amy Agimudie. These people had no clue who Cory and I were, but they opened their hearts and listened as we told them a little about ourselves. I was afraid, I was waiting for the condemnation, judgment, or pity, but instead I saw love. Christ's love.
I love the fact that everyone makes a point to let you know they aren't perfect. No one is perfect, God and His Son alone are perfect. We are made perfect through salvation. That gives me comfort. So I have been slowly making my way closer to God's path, for a little over a year now, and I have learned so much! There is a huge long list of things I have learned about, trust, love, obedience and so many other things that I will blog about at a later date.
As my friend Rhonda would say to make a long story longer, I now sing with that worship team I so admire. So today, we were singing You Alone and the band goes into this instrumental and the singers are singing praise to God. Nothing in particular, in fact I remember Pastor Tony saying "sing a new song to God" so I did, and what happened next was so amazing! I could hear myself singing, but I wasn't thinking about what I was singing. I was in total surrender, worshiping God. Not worried about what the people in the congregation thought, I wanted nothing more than to sing God's praises. That is something that is pretty hard for me. I don't put myself in vulnerable situations in front of people. Today the Holy Spirit filled me, broke my heart, and made me whole again. It is a milestone in my journey. I can finally see what it means to truly surrender to God, not only in word, but in action, faith, love, and hope. My future is in Christ alone. And I couldn't be more secure!
~Heather Reedy
We can do no great things,
only small things with great love -Mother Theresa


Anonymous said...

That is an amazing post Heather. We are so glad that God used us "imperfect" folks to get you closer to a perfect Saviour.
I know how it feels to be on stage, singing and be ministered to. There have been many moments that has earmarked my relationship with God through that stage.
We love you guys and we are so proud of you.

OUCory said...

Wow my love! That blew me away. We are so truly blessed and GLORY BE TO GOD!!!

Anonymous said...

Heather! That is the EXACT moment I was telling you about. You LOOKED so beautiful in that moment...perfect...blameless...forgiven...set free...STUNNING...I'm so glad I got to witness that :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree w/ Iman - what an amazing post! I remember that first time you and Cory came to echo. I was so nervous that you guys would think we were weird or crazy. =) and now you know the truth... we are crazy and weird. Seriously, though I'm so glad you're a part of our destiny family. We love you guys tons and we're excited to see what He has in store for you next!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an amazing story. We love you guys so much, and are so proud of you're growing family! Thanks for sharing this story. It will encourage alot of people, I know it did me.

Anonymous said...

I remember meeting you and Cory in the guest room when you visited. We loved you guys and felt the instant "family" connection. There is no doubt in my mind that God calls us each to a specific church to call "home" and we are glad the Reedy's were called to Destiny. I never knew that the "Carried to the Table" banners are what God used to draw you in. That's so cool! You guys are awesome and we are so excited to see your family grow.

BTW - you are missed at the Bible Study! But hey...OKC here we come! Looking forward to the Women's Conference! Whoo Hooo!

Anonymous said...

Heather, that was a wonderfully, heart felt post! I am so glad that God has brought you (and your FAMILY) to Destiny. I am enjoying getting to know you more and more. I am grateful for all of the people that God brings across our paths here at Destiny Church! Thank you so much for sharing! -Nic

Anonymous said...

What an awesome story Heather, that really REALLY touched me. I am so thankful to have you and Cory at the church, and am excited to get to know you even more. Blessings!!!!!! -Mocha

Anonymous said...

Wow heather, I so relate! It's awesome how we get so concerned with trying to make things happen in our way and in our time but God has something else in mind! It's when we become puddy in His hands that we become free. Pursue the next level and keep on tracking! I'm proud of you.